• About Me

    I was once asked what is the first thing I would do when I wake up in the morning. Without hesitating I answered: to paint. To unleash the colors from within me, to give them life, to place them into shapes and creatures. To weave them into stories. I feel this as a dance within me, one of the most beautiful dances on Earth. I can feel the colors, their vibration speaks to me, I dance, I swim, I get lost in them only to find myself again in them.

    Then, flowers lie close together to the paintings. I start smiling just thinking about them and I feel my energy rising. To my mind, they are the most beautiful manifestation of what exists among us. And they contain everything: tenderness, beauty, vulnerability, strength and courage. Because it takes great courage to show oneself as vulnerable and as sensitive as they do. We have a beautiful pact together; they speak to me about the people they are about to go to and they guide me. In fact, they are the ones that have opened my heart. They have taken down all the barriers my mind had built around it. The barriers couldn’t resist this much beauty and purity. Flowers stormed inside of me to cleanse and to heal my soul and to set me on my path. link ici.

    Since then, they live inside of me and my life has never been the same again. Because my life hasn’t always been like this. For more information about my path link here Life can be lived differently. Gently, with harmony, an open heart and trust and respect for all that is. Once I opened my heart, I surrendered to art and to myself, to life as is. I stopped walking against me, but alongside me.

    I find inspiration in many things and people, but nature comes first. In contemplation my mind settles, I find peace within me, the answers come along. I love to travel, to discover new places, to learn new things. France, India and England are my favorite places. Each one of these countries has taught me, formed me and shaped me into who I am today.

    I teach Yoga and I am enormously happy to be a part of people’s evolution. I have two guardian angels, beacons of light, good energy and beauty: my red-furred cats, Ortie and Rudolf. I also know that my dog Gin, that has been a great teacher to me, is watching over me from another space. I can’t stand suffering of any kind and I wish that through all my actions I can bring something positive into other people’s lives. That’s the only way I see living a meaningful life. I could eat a vanilla ice-cream anytime. :)

  • Despre Mine

    Am fost intrebata odata care este primul lucru pe care l as face cand ma trezesc. Am raspuns fara ezitare : sa pictez. Sa scot toate culorile din mine, sa le dau viata, sa le pun in forme si fapturi. Sa le creez in povesti. Acest lucru il simt in mine ca un dans, unul dintre cele mai frumoase dansuri de pe Pamant. Simt culorile, vibratia lor imi vorbeste, dansez, inot, ma ratacesc in ele si tot in ele ma regasesc.

    Apoi, langa picturi, stau strans lipite florile. Doar cand ma gandesc la ele, incep sa zambesc si simt cum imi creste energia. Dupa mine, sunt cea mai frumoasa manifestare a ceea ce exista printre noi. Si cum este totul in ele : gingasie, frumusete, vulnerabilitate , forta si curaj. Fiindca, da, este nevoie de curaj mare sa te arati vulnerabil si sensibil asa cum sunt ele. Avem un pact frumos impreuna, imi vorbesc despre oamenii unde urmeaza sa ajunga si ma indruma. De fapt, ele mi au deschis inima. Au dat jos toate barierele construite de minte din jurul ei. Pur si simplu nu am rezistat . La atata frumusete si puritate. Au navalit in mine sa imi curete si sa imi vindece sufletul si sa ma aseze pe calea mea.

    De atunci ele traiesc in mine si viata mea niciodata nu a fost ca inainte. Pentru ca nu mereu a fost asa..Pentru mai multe informatii despre parcursul meu, link ici.

    Viata poate fi traita si altfel. Cu o inima deschisa, cu incredere si respect in tot ceea ce este, armonios si lin. Cand mi am deschis inima, m am predat artei si m am predat mie, m am predat vietii..Nu am mai mers impotriva mea ci am mers cu mine..

    Ma inspira multe lucruri si oameni, natura insa detine primul loc . In contemplare, mintea se linisteste, pacea intra in mine, raspunsurile vin. Imi place foarte mult sa calatoresc, sa descopar locuri noi si sa invat in permanenta. Cel mai mult iubesc Franta, India si Anglia. Fiecare dintre aceste tari m au invatat, format si m au facut sa fiu ceea ce sunt astazi.

    Predau yoga si am o bucurie enorma sa fac parte din evolutia oamenilor.

    Am doi ingeri paji stalpi de lumina, energie buna si frumusete, pisicile mele roscate, Ortie si Rudolf. Din alt spatiu stiu ca sunt vegheata de Gin, cainele meu care mi a fost un mare maestru.

    Nu suport suferinta de niciun fel si imi doresc ca prin toate actiunile mele sa aduc bine in viata celorlalti. Doar asa vad o viata traita cu sens. As putea manca oricand inghetata de vanilie. :)

  • The art that heals.