Temple in Town
Oras. Trafic. Zgomote.
Agitatie. Frica. Mintea confuza. Stimuli. Cati mai multi stimuli. Mintea nu poate cuprinde tot. Oboseala. Totul se accelereaza. Panica. Fuga in realitatea virtuala. In lumea artificiala. Nu stii cine esti. Te pierzi, nu mai stii in ce sa crezi si incotro sa te indrepti. Totul se destrama in jur.
Si apoi..Fire de lumina.
Inchizi ochii. Cobori in tine. Inspiri si expiri. Liniste. Creezi spatiu.
Fire de lumina. Alb-stralucitoare. Si te lasi si mai mult in tine. Inchizi ochii si deschizi inima. Simti ca pe masura ce faci acest lucru tot mai des, incepi sa vezi..linistea din tine. Pacea din tine.
Si nu mai cauti nimic in afara ta fiindca stii ca ai totul in tine.
Nu mai vrei sa pari nimic, fiindca esti deja totul. Si in aceasta cunoastere noua, te abandonezi complet, stiind ca totul are grija de tot, ca esti parte din tot.
Au trecut 22 de ani de cand am pasit constient pe calea cunoasterii de sine.
Am cautat cu disperare raspunsuri pe culmile Tibetului, l am urmat pe Dalai Lama prin lume si in lumea invataturilor sale, m am imersat in intelepciunea si bogatia Indiei, am avut profesori si maestri extraordinari.
Am studiat filosofia indiana, tibetana si m am initiat in samanism, reiki, theta healing, eft..
Am peste 600 de ore de yoga traditionala indiana si meditatie.
Acum sunt aici, in aceasta noua cunoastere si asezare in mine, gata sa dau mai departe roadele muncii mele.
Pot fi ghidul tau in lumina.
Prin cursuri de yoga, meditatie sau regasire de sine.
Te pot indruma sa devii liber, sa poti trai oriunde, oferindu te pe tine tie.
City. Traffic. Noise.
Restlessness. Fear. Confusion. Stimuli. More and more stimuli. The mind cannot take in everything. Tiredness. Everything accelerates. Panic. The escape into virtual reality. Into the artificial world. You don’t know who you are.
You’re lost, you don’t know in what to believe or where to go. Everything is falling apart around you.
And then..
You close your eyes. You turn inward. Breathing in and out. Silence. You create space. Light. Bright white light. And you fall deeper inside yourself. You close your eyes and you open your heart.
As you start to do this more often, you begin to see the silence inside. The peace within you. And you stop searching outside, because you know you have everything you need inside of you. You don’t want to appear like anything, because you are already everything. And you abandon completely to this new knowledge, knowing that everything takes care of everything, that you are a part of everything. It’s been 22 years since I have consciously started the journey of self-knowledge.
I have desperately searched for answers on the heights of Tibet, I have followed Dalai Lama throughout the world and into the world of his teachings, I have immersed myself in the wisdom and richness of India, I have had teachers and wonderful masters.I have studied Indian and Tibetan philosophy, I am initiated in Shamanism, reiki, Theta healing, eft…I have over 600 hours of traditional Indian yoga and meditation.Now I am here, in this new knowledge, settled with myself, ready to pass forward the fruits of my labor.I can be your guide into the light.
Through Yoga, meditation or classes of reconnecting with yourself.I can guide you to be free, to live wherever you would like to, by giving yourself back to you.